Põhjuseid, miks mulle pulmi jäädvustada meeldib, on mitmeid. Üks neist on võimalus minna väljasõidule, et saada vaheldust oma tavapärastele pildistamispaikadele. Nii juhtus ka seekord, kui ennelõunal alustasin 1.5 h pikkust teekonda Sagadi mõisa poole, kus abiellumas olid Andre ja Taranika. Need pulmad on minu jaoks märgilise tähendusega, sest olid esimesed, kus pidin lisaks eesti keelele pool aega ka inglise keeles rääkima.
Selle pulmapäeva jäädvustamine oli uudne ka teisiti – nimelt ei soovinud pruutpaar enne tseremooniat kohtuda, mis tähendas, et pidin tegema pruudist ja peigmehest eraldi ettevalmistuspildid, perepildid ja individuaalsed ilupildid, ilma et ma üht osapoolt kogemata teise osapoole teele viiks. Kokkuvõtvalt võin öelda, et see õnnestus. Ühiseid ilupilte tegime ajal, mil pulmaisa tegeles külalistega või ansambel mängis tantsumuusikat. Jupiti pildistamine andis võimaluse teha iga pildistamine erinevas kohas.
Pulmafotograafina on minu jaoks oluline, et pruutpaar saaks just sellised pildid nagu nad soovivad. Taranikal ja Andrel oli kindel soov ja visioon ilupiltide stiili kohalt, mida põnevusega jäädvustada soovisin. Kuna pulmapidu toimus Sagadi mõisas, siis soovisid Andre ja Taranika editorial-stiilis pilte, midagi Vanity Fair‘i laadset. Selle jaoks saime kasutada mõisas erinevaid ruume, kuhu pidulisi ei lastud, kuid kuhu ekskursiooniga muidu pääseb. Minu absoluutsed lemmikud on just lillakat värvi toas tehtud fotoseeria, mida alt poolt ka näha saab.
Erilised tervitused lähevad pruudi vanaemale, kes tantsis rohkem ja energilisemalt kui mitmedki noored!
Suur rõõm on pildistada pruutpaare, kes on õnnelikud, rõõmsad ja muretud ning kellega on lihtne suhelda. Andre ja Taranika olid just täpselt nii toredad!
Laulatus ja pulmapidu: Sagadi mõis
MUAH: Jaana Kristal ja Kaisa Kwell
Lilleseaded: Sireli Lillesalong
Catering: Kadi @ Toidutuba
Pruudikleit: Lupita Tlatenchi
There are several reasons why I like to photograph weddings. One of them is the opportunity to go on a road trip and work in places I have not been before or do not work daily. It was the same case this time, when I headed out to a 1.5-hour drive towards Sagadi Manor, where Taranika and Andre were about to get married. This was a memorable wedding for me for many reasons. Firstly, it was the first time I had to be bilingual all through the wedding. Secondly, it was a first time for me to see that the bride and the groom did not wish to meet before the ceremony. That meant that I had to maneuver two different groups, taking preparation pictures, family photos and individual beauty shots, in a big manor house without one seeing another, in which I luckily succeeded. This order of events meant that I had to sneak the newlyweds out on couple sessions during times when others were eating, dancing or playing wedding games with the wedding father. This gave us a chance to use different locations and backgrounds for the pictures, because we could only use 20-30 minutes at a time.
As a wedding photographer, it is super important for me that the bride and groom would receive the kind of images they were hoping for. Taranika and Andre had a certain idea and vision about the style of the beauty pictures, which was Vanity Fair type of look. In order to achieve that we used different rooms in the manor and the suit and dress they were wearing blended in neatly! My personal favourites are the ones in the violet room, which you can see below.
I want to send special greetings to the bride’s grandma, whose dance moves left young folks’ dancing in the shadows!
For me, it is always huge pleasure to capture newlyweds, who are truly happy, joyful and easy-going. Andre and Taranika were exactly that awesome!